Monday, August 8, 2011

Today's Vegan Juicing Recipe

I need another produce basket. Today's shopping trip to Fred Meyer filled both baskets I currently have, the veggie drawer in my fridge and most of one shelf in the fridge. One of the reasons I ended up with way more produce than originally planned is that my guy decided he would like to try juicing - but only with fruits. That is, of course, cool with me. I'm just happy he wants to try juicing at all.

So we ended up bringing home apples, pears, peaches, carrots, kale, spinach, cucumbers, garlic, onions, purple cabbage, beets, limes, kiwi, celery and more. Oh, and wheatgrass. I have no idea what to do with wheatgrass, but I now have wheatgrass sitting on my kitchen counter and will be looking up exactly how to incorporate it into my juicing recipes.

I bought organic beets with the intention of using them in tonight's juice. However, I have never done anything with a beet before, and after starting to do a little research online about juicing beets and beet greens, I decided to hold off until I have read more. As soon as it got into how I should use beet juice in moderation and not mix it with calcium-rich juices and such, I figured I better do a bit more research before popping a beet in my juicer.

So with all that said, here is the green juice I made this evening:

3 carrots
4 celery stalks
1/8 of a head of purple cabbage
1 handful of spinach
5 kale leaves/stalks
1 half-inch sliver of ginger

This was not the best juice I have made so far, but it certainly was drinkable. I think it would have benefited from a bit more ginger or maybe throwing in an apple, but it was still good.

I think I want to try juicing just carrots and ginger within the next few days. I love carrot and ginger soup, so I'm thinking carrot and ginger juice will be delish!

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